D.J. Walde

Award Nominated Composer, Musical Director and DJ

The Voice of His Gremlin

“I don’t know what I’m doing here”

It makes me internalise. It makes me shell up and regress into this non-vocal, doubting and possibly shameful space where I doubt my own ability and feel ashamed of what I’ve made.

At its core it is fear.

Fear of judgement and fear of yourself. It takes you out of the moment and stops you from being in a room.

Its birthday was around 2002, in a rehearsal room. I remember being in a room with a lot of people I admired, but had never interacted with.

It’s really healthy to be able to explore this. We know we are constantly growing, but we aren’t constantly questioning how these Gremlins have also grown and how they’ve evolved over time. They morph and get older with us.

It provides a challenge; it’s the opposition of complacency. At times you never see it because you’re so comfortable, but when you have a bit of doubt or shame, it stops you from being complacent. It makes you more considered once you’re used to its presence.

How do we grow with our Gremlins?


Didy Veldman


Ivan Blackstock